Why Out-Class

Taught by expert teachers from across the globe and designed by our in-house team, Out-Class Crash Courses© help students with end-to-end exam prep.

Expert Faculty

One Goal: Get the concept, get the grade

  • Recognized experts in their subject
  • Demonstrated years of excellent results 
  • Handpicked from the top institutions in Pakistan such as Aitchison College, Lahore and Karachi Grammar School and universities across the globe such as Harvard, Oxford, MIT, and Yale
Picture of Teachers and Faculty

Crash Courses

Complete syllabus in a fraction of the time

  • Content specifically designed for Gen-Z
  • Covering key concepts and exam tips
  • Quizzes to test understanding, in every episode
  • Full length past papers solved by our faculty
Sample Images of course slides

Complete Exam Prep

Practice with topical and latest past papers

  • Extensive practice through full-length solved past papers
  • Examiner reports highlighting common mistakes to avoid
  • Live classes with faculty 2 months before exams
  • Happy-to-help Desk© to address queries students may have
Sample image of quiz

Anytime, Anywhere

YOU decide the time, place and pace for your exam prep!

  • Full year access, one-time payment
  • Enjoy the convenience of your own schedule & space
  • No transportation needs or costs
  • Hassle free learning on-the-go
Image of two people using the app