
by Oosman Bashir
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This Course Includes
1. IntroductionFree 2. Math TablesFree 3. Addition and SubtractionFree 4. Squares, Cubes & Roots, Directed Numbers, BODMASFree 5. Prime Numbers, HCF & LCMFree 6. Division Tests, Numerator & DenominatorFree 7. Introduction to FractionsFree 8. Working with FractionsFree 9. Introduction to DecimalsFree 10. Working with DecimalsFree 11. Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of 10Free 12. Introduction to PercentagesFree 13. Percentage of a NumberFree 14. Percentage Increase & Decrease, Discount PercentageFree 15. Basic Arithmetic - Past Paper Practice (Part 1)Free 16. Basic Arithmetic - Past Paper Practice (Part 2)Free 17. Basic Arithmetic - Past Paper Practice (Part 3)Free