
by Lubna Adil
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This Course Includes
1. History of Arabia - Social, Political & Economic ConditionsFree 2. Birth of the Prophet (pbuh) & Importance of AminahFree 3. Importance of Haleema SadiaFree 4. Importance of Abdul MuttalibFree 5. Importance of Abu Talib & Important Past Paper QuestionsFree 6. Marriage with KhadijaFree 7. ArbitrationFree 8. Signs of Prophethood & the First RevelationFree 9. Private Preaching and the Beginning of PersecutionFree 10. Open Invitation at the Hill of SafaFree 11. Twelve Important PersecutionsFree 12. Mental Persecutions of the Prophet (pbuh)Free 13. Physical Persecutions of the Prophet (pbuh)Free 14. Migration to AbyssiniaFree 15. Boycott of Banu HashimFree 16. Year of Grief & Trip to TaifFree 17. The Night Journey - MiraajFree 18. Invitation to YathribitesFree 19. The Pledges of AqabaFree