The Ultimate Guide to FUNGAT Preparation 2024

by Rayan Khan

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The Major Mistakes Most Engineers Make: Dekhi Jayegi and FUNGAT

Salam doston! 🥰

Congratulations on completing your FSc/ A Levels! We’re super proud of how you demonstrated resilience and hard work all these school and college years. 

As you start thinking about the next (and arguably the most important) chapter of your life, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and go with the flow - especially as an Engineering student because we don’t think ahead much 🙂

Relax, I was in your shoes a few years ago and know how it goes. 


Go with the Flow - Dekhi Jayegi 

Mostly, it’s an "Engineer" mamu/chachu who decides which type of engineering to pursue because it has the most ‘SCOPE’. If it’s not family, then it’s probably what all your friends are opting for or it’s what you think ‘Xyz Engineering’ means based on intuition alone. 

There is a fourth option. Which is more drastic. And extremely dangerous. The worst of them all. 

You go in for your ECAT/ FUNGAT not knowing what type of Engineering excites you and just become content with the one that falls within your marks range on the Merit List. If you score well, opt for Computer Science or Mechanical. If you score a bit poorly, go for Civil or Chemical - the seemingly easier options.

Don’t take offence. Me, my friends and many engineers before us made the exact same mistakes. We don’t want our juniors to suffer- especially considering the current domestic job market for engineers. This advice comes from a sincere place in our hearts: research on emerging trends, try to visit some engineering facilities, and think long and hard before you take up ‘XYZ Engineering’ for life.  

*Note: this is not meant to dampen your engineering aspirations in any way - indeed, there are many successful Pakistani engineers who we’re incredibly proud of. It’s only meant to help you make an informed choice because more often than not, these prosperous Pakistani engineers are genuinely passionate about their work, creating their own ‘SCOPE’ in whichever type of engineering they pursue.

CTA Slide 4


FUNGAT Problems

Another pressing issue that needs to be addressed is that of not knowing much about entry tests in Pakistan - especially the universities that conduct their own tests (FUNGAT). Before we begin, it’s very important to understand the difference between ECAT and FUNGAT- two SEPARATE tests. 

Unfortunately, many students don’t understand what is FUNGAT in Pakistan. 

The Meaning of FUNGAT:

FUNGAT (FAST, UET, NUST, and GIKI College Admission Test) is an MCQs-based test which is DIFFERENT for every engineering university conducting it. While it has similarities with the ECAT, it has additional sections dedicated to Quantitative Reasoning and Engineering Mathematics.   

Here’s a simple equation to help you understand this:

It explains the entry test preparation online with reference to difference between fungat and ecat

This means that if you’re going for the NUST Entry Test (NET) or gearing up for admissions at FAST or COMSATS University, you are essentially a “FUNGAT” student. 


3 Most Pressing Problems

Entry Tests Requirements and Dates:

At Out-Class, we’ve talked to thousands of Pakistani students - from Gilgit to Karachi - and almost 75% of them are unaware of the different university admission requirements and their Entry Test Registration and Exam Dates. 

This means that many promising students MISS OUT on golden opportunities to transform their lives not because their marks were bad or they couldn’t afford the university fees, but simply because they didn't know 😢

This is why we make a conscious effort at Out-Class to provide expert counselling and access to important information and resources to all of our students completely FREE of cost!

(Online) Entry Test Preparation:

Another common query is regarding affordable and high-quality online entry test preparation. Given the rising inflation and the historic increase in utility bills, it has become much more difficult to put food on the table twice a day, what could one say about the education expenditure? 

In these testing times, Out-Class reassures you that you don’t need to pull your children out of school. We offer the ULTIMATE entry test prep of ECAT and FUNGAT by the best Pakistani teachers at the lowest of prices, all in the comfort of your home!

You can even request to pay in instalments, we promise that we won’t let you down!   

Practice Tests and Questions:

We believe in learning by doing, so we’ve curated a Quiz Bank of 10,000+ MCQs in FUNGAT alone to test your knowledge rigorously within the time limits. Not only that, but we also have routine quizzes and an entire month dedicated to Full-Length Practice Tests based on expert guidance and past papers from NET, FAST Entry Tests and so on.

Don’t worry, we don’t charge extra for our Test Sessions, like academies, they come with the entire package! You also get complete access till your entry test dates!

A little interested? Get a free trial and check out our FUNGAT Course now! 



Best of luck, future engineers! With the immense university workload coming your way, you’ll need it! 😀

Here’s a bonus resource: 

Top Universities that require FUNGAT:

For more details, check out: Top 10 engineering universities in Pakistan in 2024

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